This beautiful protrait is of Rachel Kelly
with her high neck collar who later became a Baird.
The date is unknown.
KIRK'S 163
This is the inside of Kirk's shop and as you can see they sold everything
from pots and pans to drink and paint. Above the man in the background attached
to the ceiling is a reel of string for back then they used to wrap your goods
up in brown paper and then tie them up with string.
Kirk's shop was situated on the corner of Railway Street and High Street and
was known as Kirk's Corner. The man in the middle is Robert Burn and next
to him is Andy Bersford.

Here we are at the Kettyle Wedding and standing proudly with his Bride Mary
is John Kettle having their photograph taken with their guests. Now John had
lodged with Jimmy and May Baird at their house in Spa Terrace while Mary had
lodged with Ivan Gillespie and his wife. Mary Baird or known to her friends
as May is next the bridesmaid on the right. While James Baird (Jimmy) can
just be seen at the very back, his head is next to the bridesmaid's head.
Their son Jim Baird is the young lad in the shorts at the front and behind
him is Ivan Gillespie.

This is Captain William Kinley (my Grandfather)
of the Merchant Navy at the grand age of 57 aboard his ship getting ready
to sail from Liverpool in a convoy.
These brave Merchant sailors did not hesitate to sail out into danger but
what many people do not know is that they were all classed as civillans.
If their ship was sunk that was when their wages stopped and did not start
again until they got a position on another ship, and yet without these brave
men we could have lost the war.
This warehouse of Kirk's was in Railway Street and here the men are loading
the lorry up with sacks of animal feed back in 1915. The lorry is a Dennis
30cwt flatbed and as you can see no side windows only a curtain! The windscreen
is in two parts and the drivers side is again in two parts, this allowed the
driver to open the top section for fresh air. Also the lorry had solid tyres
and is missing a headlight.

Situated at the end of High Street and the corner of Railway Street we have
Kirks. The one to the left is the hardware section as you can see by the items
outside, next to the door on the right is the one essential item every Antrim
family had to have, to use on a Friday the good old tin bath. The ones on
the left were used mainly for boiling the washing and hot water for the bath.
Old John Kirk used to stand at the doorway when the young lads were walking
past he had in his hand behind his back a couple of pennies with which he
was able to make a fast clicking noise which amazed the boys.
The shop on the right was the grocery section and back then people used to
buy on a daily basis and so you buy things during the week and pay up on Friday.
The goods were not sealed up like todays goods, the sugar was in sacks and
then put into paper bags when you asked for it. Same with the butter they
gave you what you asked for, remember no fridges so during the summer you
bought small amounts. Kirks had a warehouse at the back full of sacks contained
animal feeds, this of course attracted the mice and mice being what they are,
went everywhere including the grocery shop.
Anna McCabe remembers her father telling her when he was a young lad they
used to watch the mice scampering in the front window eating the cheese!
Yes this is me Len Kinley with lovely long blonde curls at the tender age
of 15 months in 1943. Wish I had that hair now !!
Having their portrait taken in 1914 is Elizabeth Kerr with her brother Harry
Getting covered in confetti after their wedding in Eskylane Church in 1952
we have the Groom Hall Kennedy and the Bride Betty Kennedy nee Ireland.
The pageboy is Philip Scott and the flower girl is June Ireland.
This is the Killead Black outside their hall getting their photograph taken,
the year is unknown. The only man known is a Mr. Mackie and he is in the second
row on the far right.
This is Killead Lodge and striding out in front is Lesley Steele.
These are the pupils of Killead Public Elementary School
back in 1939 getting their photograph taken, later that year England declared
war on Germany.
At the back are J. Whiteside, Master Anderson,
W. Heaney, E. White, D. Heaney, A. Martin, B. Finlayson, H. Bohms, C. McRoberts,
J. McCord and M. Cummings.
This is Killead School and here we have the class of 1947. Mr Graham was the
Headmaster who is on the left and Mrs Minnis the teacher on the right.
At the back are Bobby Redmond, Willy Williamson,
Raymond Redmond, Geoff Pankhurst, Thomas Adams, Norman White, David Adams,
Malcolm Graffin, Davy Whiteside, Tom Williamson, Joe Robb, Robert Thompson,
Eric Rainey, Albert Graffin, John Reid and William Letson.
Middle row are Shirley Cummings, Nancy Letson,
Joyce Poots, Dora Russell, Muriel Wilson, Sally Killen, Charlotte Graffin,
Eva Smith, Martha Rafferty, Betty Quigley, Betty Spence, Lyla Russell, Peggy
Thompson, Eileen Adams, Mary Rafferty, Betty Poots and Jean Hyde.
Seated are Joe Thompson, Raymond Hyde, David
Williamson, Lesley Rankin, Jim White, Jean Thompson, Norma Graham, May White,
Ena Quigley, Eileen Graffin, Helen Quigley, Myrtle Thompson, Sadie Wilson,
Pasty Pankhurst, Bertha Beggs, Margaret Young, Susan Thompson, Colette Graham,
Harry Martin, Ian McMaster Leslie Martin, Wilbert Hyde and Lyle Reid.
Getting their photograph outside Killead Primary School we have the class
of 1948.
Back row has Mrs Minnis (Teacher), John Reid,
Raymond Redmond, Eric Rainey, Joe Robb, Arty Quigley, Albert Graffin, Robert
Thompson, Willie Williamson, Willie Letson and the -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -headmaster Norman Graham. -
- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- Row standing
is in front of her is John Thompson, Wilbert Hyde, Unknown, Patsy Pankhurst,
Aggie Bickerstaff, Jean Hyde, Dora Russell, Peggy Thompson, Charlotte Graffin,
Lyla Russell, Mary Rafferty, Betty Poots, Unknown, Eileen Graffin, Margaret
Young, Robert - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -Redmond and Raymond Hyde. -
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Seated
are Betty Poots, Jean Thompson, Collette Graham, Unknown, Norma Graham, Mary
White, Agnes Robb, Myrtle Thompson, Sadie Wilson, Sue Thompson, Bertha Beggs,
Unknown, Wilma McMaster and Unknown.
On the ground are Unknown, Lyle Reid, David Williamson,
John Russell, Leslie Rankin, Unknown and Brian Swann.
Next row standing
are E. Smith, M. Letson, K. Barclay, M Robb, E. Brown, P. Finlayson, G. Wilson,
-M. McCord, M.Mackey, K.Killen, P.Cummings, I.Gibb,
K.White, B.Erskine, J.Rainey, M.Spence and N. Smith.
Seated are D. Finlayson, B. Murphy, S. Rainey,
B. Linley, Master Williamson, D. White, M. Rainey, Master Williamson, M. Murphy,
N. Hyde, M. McRoberts, L. Gibb, F. Hyde, S. Letson, M. Quigley, J. Letson,
J. Letson, W. McKernon and K. Erskine.
On the ground with legs crossed we have Master
Barclay, J. Killen, J. Heaney, N. Adams, B. McRoberts, S. Steele, A. McKendry,
D. Thompson,
Master Anderson, W. Smith. W. Spence, B. Rainey, S. White, M. Robb, N. McKernon,
D. Whiteside and S. Park.
In this group photograph is Best Man Eddie Kinnen, Groom Jimmy Kinnen, Bride
May Stewart, Bridesmaid Elizabeth Stewart and Maggie Kinnen. The little girl
giving May the horseshoe is unknown. The wedding was on the 31st March 1956.
This is Jim Knox and his sister Anne Knox in their back garden, Church Street
in 1945.
In between them is their mother Annie Knox nee White.
This is Jim Knox with his big sister Anne in their back garden, Church Street
in 1945.
Anne with her ringlets and big white ribbons doesn't look to happy about getting
her photo taken.
Here we are at a race meeting at Kirkistown in the mid 1950's.
On the left is Len Ireland, John Magee the driver and John Agnew.
In their back garden in 1953 at Riverside we have Jean Knox with her baby
sister Hilary on her big sister's knee who is called Anne and her big brother
KIRK'S 2091
This is John Kirk's two shops on the corner of High Street and Railway Street.
Railway Street as you can see is just a dirt road and High Street is the same
except for the wide strip of concrete down the middle.
KITTY 2085
Taken in the 1900's this portrait photograph of Kitty is all that I known
of her.
On the back of the photograph she had written "Yours
Sincerely Kitty xxxxx."
This is Thomas Kinley (my Father) who then was the Second Mate in 1927 at
the wheel of a merchant sailing ship at the age of 21.
By the time of the Second World War my Dad was a Captain in the Merchant Navy
and served in British waters and the Atlantic.
This is Tom Knox who was in the A.D.B. Memorial Pipe Band in 1945. Tom is
getting his photograph taken with his two children Anne Knox and her brother
Jim Knox in the back garden in Church Street.
We are outside Ardenveigh Gate house on the Birch Hill Road back in March
1913 and a very special day for the couple in the photograph.
Seated is James Alexander Kelly and by his side Kathryn Kelly nee MacGregor
his Bride for this was their Wedding Day.
Seen here outside the family home at Parkhall we have in the centre Henry
Kelly with his sons.
On the left seated with the dog is Harry Kelly, behind him standing is Thomas
Kelly and on the extreme right also with a dog is Charles Kelly.
This is Henry and Annie Kelly of Parkhall. The Kelly family lived at Parkhall
from at least 1818 to 1961.
Now Henry had a quarry on his land which he run quite successfully and Annie
cooked the meals for all the men that worked in the quarry.
Also Kathyrn Kelly another family member was the cook for Justice of the Peace
Harry Balfour Murray.
This is Henry Kelly in 1852 standing outside his home Parkhall House which
was on the Birch Hill Road. Now that is not ivy on the front of the house
but apple trees and so the Kelly children had only to open a window to get
an apple to eat!
This is Sergeant Alex Kelly having his photograph taken before going off to
fight in WWI.
Alex was in the 11th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (South Antrim Volunteers).
On the 1st July 1916 when his company was heavily shelled he showed great
coolness. Taking charge of a party of men he built a barricade in the enemy's
trench and repulsed a bombing party three times.
Later Alex carried wounded men to the dressing station and afterwards, though
wounded he continued to fight till exhausted from loss of blood.
This lovely photograph of these two fine young men was taken before going
off to fight in the WWI
Sadly the lad standing is Unknown but seated is Harry Kelly.
This is James Alexander Kelly Snr who was in the Masonic Order Lodge 651 all
set to go to a parade.

KIRK'S 1992
This is John Kirk's shop in High Street Antrim which was on the corner of
Railway Street and next to it was Joan Kirk's shop,
As you can see Joan's shop sold a lot of hardware by the galvanised buckets
and pots sitting outside, and hanging up is a riddle. In the shop window there
is every type of oil lamp you can think of, from the plain Tilly lamp to most
decorative lamp for the parlour. On the shop window is an advertisement in
two places in white lettering most of which I can make out as follows: "Cornelius
W ??Tehou and Sons Ltd SLASHERS". Can anyone explain?
Now the man in the middle of the two shops holding the plough is the General
Manager of Kirk's Robert Burns.
In the John Kirk's shop window you can see hanging up ham joints and below
on the shelf various tins with wording below saying Irish Hams and Bacon.
The man in the uniform next to his bike is from the Post Office, the lady
and the man are assistants in the shop and finally the delivery boy with his

This letter says it all.
This is Aunt Katie who came over from Scotland and married Uncle Alex Kelly.
Aunt Katie was also the cook at Ardnaveigh House.
This is James Alexander Kelly Jnr who was in the Masonic Order Lodge No. 651
along with his father which is in Arthur Square, Belfast, all set to go to
a parade standing outside his home.
My Thanks to Kelly
Cook for the above information.
KELLY 3202
This lovely young girl having her photograph taken in a studio all dressed
up and holding a posie is Winfred Kelly aged about 11 years old from Parkhall'
Here we are at the Kelly home in the back garden which used to be where the
Pharmacy is at the top of Fountain Hill road. It's March 1914 and Kathyrn
Kelly nee McGregor making sure her son Harry is sitting comfortable in his
beautiful pram that has wooden wheels.
It's 1917 and sitting in the back yard of their home is Kathyrn Kelly nursing
the baby James Alexander Kelly.
Standing on the seat behind them is James brother Harry Kelly.
KELLY 3200
This is Taggart Kelly who lived in the Parkhall House which used to be where
the Parkhall cinema is now. Taggart had travellled to Chas Halliday &
Co studio's of 14 Queen's Arcade Belfast.
Here we have Sammy Kyle in 1945 aged 15 and most certainly working back then.
By the way Sammy was in the Scouts that is according to the scout badge in
his lapel.
Here we are at Mercer Bros. of Ann Street in Belfast and seated having his
photograph taken is Taggart Kelly along with his Half brother Corporal Harry
Kelly. Now William is actually a twin and his twin is Elizabeth (Lily) Kelly.
This is Robert Kissett of Muckamore who was in the Royal Flying Corps aged
20 in 1916. They were very brave men to fly because they did not have parachutes!
This was not that they had been invented it was because the top brass thought
that if they had a parachute rather than keep on fighting they would bail
out if things got too tough. Robert had gone to Belfast to Reid Bros Photographers
to get this photo taken for Caroline Mitchell to whom he had just got engaged.
Two years later they got married and Robert came home safely from the war.
Outside their house in Milltown in 1948 we have Elvina Keith with her sister
Audry Keith who seems to be cooking something up !
- - -- -Written on the back of the photograph
are the words: - -
- -"Wee
Elvina & Audrey. To Mother & Dad with love xxx"
KIRK'S 1122
The photograph was taken from the tower of All Saints Parish Church in 1955,
this was so you see John Kirk's fleet of vehicles. Kirk's was not only in
High Street but went the same again up Railway Street and naturally enough
back then it was called by the locals 'Kirk's Corner'.
This is what was called the tally book you used when
you hadn't got cash with you when you went into John Kirk's shop. You got
what you needed and it was put into the book and you paid up at the end of
the week. Sadly what was inside this book has been cut out.
This is Taggart Kelly who had travelled from Antrim to have this photograph
taken at G.H. Pidduck Photographer of 109 Donegall Street Belfast.
He must have enjoyed his pipe as much as my Dad did.