Shortly after Christmas the Antrim Guardian had the sad duty of reporting
the sudden passing of a former much-loved local minister. Rev George Cunningham
served in Antrim during the 1970s and eary 1980s, leaving an indelible mark
on his beloved Greystone Presbyterian Church. During his 12 years in the town
he also forged close links with Greystone Primary School and Antrim Technical
College - and as this picture shows, he created no shortage of happy memories.
That's Rev Cunningham at the back in 1973 with members of the Greystone choir.
I'm sure regular readers will recognise quite a few of the young singers.
This photograph was turned into a Post Card which was quite popular back then
and then - - - - - posted back to their friends.Now
this one wasn't and written on the back was- --- ----
- - " For Mother from Joseph. This is
the Gymnastic Club."
As you can see they must have been a successful club for they have a Large
cup and two medals in front of them. Sadly I cannot even tell you where Joseph
is in the photograph or what part of the local area they came from, but if
you do please let me know and I will send you a copy.
A teenage Laurence McKenna pictured during the 1930's in front of Gribben's
shop where he trained as a shoemaker. It was shoes of another kind, however,
that made Laurence's name. The Antrim man purchased the old forge in Bridge
Street in 1950 and converted into the popular Horseshoe shop. Laurence went
home in 2009 and the grand old age of 92.

a RIDE 3716
It's August 1937 and we are on Mr Graham's farm at Carnnavey Muckamore and
taking a ride on flatbed cart are in the background with a white cap on but
can't see his face is Wesley Kingston. In front of him waving to the camera
is William Graham, the young boy holding the reins is Hal Griffth, and the
smiling lady is Jeanne Graham. Now William Graham who was born on the 25th
October 1866 and when he was 22 in 1888 he went to Matricule University and
graduated 1891 in Maths, Latin, Greek, English and Experimental Physics. Between
the two World Wars he went to Germany to teach English and this is William
back home before the start of the Second World War.
This is John Graham on his farm at Carmavey, Muckamore holding on to his his
horse with a young lad sitting on the horse which are both unknown.
Getting his school photograph taken in 1954 we have Roy Griffen aged 10.
Here's Roy Giffen aged three wondering what an earth is going on as he gets
his photograph taken on the 22nd April 1947.
This is Gwynn's Temperance L.O.L. 419 in Railway Street on the 12th July year
In the centre of the men seated is the M.P. Jim Molineaux and the bandsman
to the far left is Matt Mcullough.
This Northern Counties bus usually takes the tourists from Hall's Hotel on
trips around the Antrim Coast.
Today is different for it's the locals in 1950 who get a turn to go out for
a day. With her arm out of the left window we have Mary Gillespie who was
a waitress at Halls Hotel, the rest of the smiling faces are unknown.

Taken in Scunthorpe it's no wonder these nurses are all smiling for they have
all passed and holding onto their scrolls to prove it and the reason for all
the flags is that the year is 1953 and Queen Elizabeth's coronation. I presume
the nurse sitting in the middle holding a shield as well as her scroll must
have come out on tops. Sadly I do not know the names of the nurses or the
dignitary except for the lady (second from the left) in the front row, she
is Jane (Jeannie) Graham SRN ARRC DN. Jeannie went home on the 26th April
1960 aged 51.
If you know any of them please let me know and I will send you a large copy
of the photograph without the watermark.
The man on the motorbike is John Graham, the lady could possibly be his wife
but I'm not sure and the same goes for the three boys they could be his sons
and the house to
the left is the Graham home. This photograph was made into a postcard and
written on the back was the following, some of the message is missing due
to ink being spilt on it
and this is all I could make out:
Loanends So. F. Farr 26. 8. 19
Sir Your presence is requested at a meeting of Elders and Commette which will
be held at D.V.-ls in Loanends
Lect---- Hall on Saturday, 30th wish
Yours Respectfully
Wm A Freer
Here doing what all nurses love and give freely is love and kindness and a
cuddle to young ones just like Jeannie Graham SRN sometines known as Jane
is doing to this poor chap with a bandage on his head. Jeannie is holding
him so he can get the fresh air and sunshine while she talks to the patient
in the bed. What they used to do years ago in the summertime if the ward had
a veranda or an outside area they would wheel the beds out into the sun so
the patients could feel the fresh air and sun on their faces and it helped
to perk them up a bit and make them feel more alive. They used to do that
at the Royal Victoria hospital in Belfast, the year is unknown.
Jeannie loved nursing dedicating her life to it and went on to become a matron
Taken through the window showing patients and nurses having morning breakfast
and of course there's nurse Jeannie Graham giving the lad in his dressing
gown a cuddle and brings a smile to his young face. Jeannie's face is not
so good due to the sunlight striking the window.

This Wedding photograph was taken at R. Clements Lyttle of Belfast and what
good job they did of it. Fashion was so elegant back then, just look at the
elegance of the hat of the lady on the left and the Bride's hat is made of
white light material and has like sticks coming out of the head section covered
in light material to form a triangle shape at the end all the way round like
an umbrella and on the top of the band is two white buds. I hope my description
is ok if not just put me straight. Lastly the lady at the ends suit just oozes
class and the beautiful embroidery on her sleeve is beautiful. The men are
smartly dressed and are only there to make up the numbers after all it's the
Bride's day. After all that I only know one name and that is Miss M. Graham
and where she is I do not know.
If you know any of them please let me know and I will send you a copy with
out the watermark.
A summer's day in 1939 and Maud, Anne, Rita and Jack Agnew are off with Tommy
Allen to get the coal off the lorry which had broken down and deliver it to
the customers waiting. So you see modern transport isn't as reliable as the
good old horse and cart!
This inspection was taking place in Church street in 1950.
The girl in the foreground is Doris Blackbourne, the Leader is Hazel Chambers
who is walking with Lady McDermont as she inspects them. The rest of the girls
are unknown at the moment.
This photograph was taken in the Prodestant Hall in Railway
Street and they are performing an Operatta.
B.Row: Nora Hannan, Unknown, Unknown, Evelene Kissick, Peg McBurney,
Agnes Hannan, Isobel Wallace, Hetty lennon, Joy Fleming, Ann Millar, Unknown,
Unknown, Unknown, Betty Holmes, Unknown, Unknown, Betty Stevenson and Eva
The rest of the cast and the year are unknown. Mrs. Lizzie McKeen used to
organize these shows.
This young girl certainly got the girls' Brigade off to
a flying start! The rising star is unknown, while the man with the job of
trying to bring her down to earth is none other than our own Bobby McVeigh
while walking off in the background to the left is Lily Nicholl. Sitting in
the audience at the Protestant Hall in Railway Street to the right is the
Rev. K. Hawkins with Brown Owl, Mrs. Carson. The date is unknown.
Date, People and Place are all unknown.
This is the Girls Brigade and these must be the new recuits,
none of their names are known at the moment. The G.B. Leader to the right
is called Hazel Chambers.The date is unknown.
This photograph was taken in the old Methodist Church which
is now a furniture shop, the year is unknown.
B.Row: May Gaynor, Martha McDonald, Eileen ?,
Frances McKnight, Doris Blackbourne, Eileen Cupples and Margaret Scott.
3rd Row: Anne Graham, Florence McNeilly, Dorothy
Steele, Elizabeth Steele, Marie Sharp, - - - Shirley
Carson, Milly Muffet, Margaret Allen, Hazel Cahmbers and Mrs. Telford.
2nd Row: Phylis Luke and Lily Nichol.l.-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -
-F.Row: Alison Coulter, Stella Lynn, Helen
Nicholl, Jennifer Allen, Kathleen Craig, Helen Coulter, Eva Rea, Pearlie Coulter
and Margaret Baird.
The baby was Mrs.Telford's and was called Arnold.
1st Antrim Company walking down Castle Street, the Brew
office is in the background.
This was a girls day out from Antrim to Portrush.
Front Row: Pauline Carson, Ellie Fleming, Rene
Richie, Nora Hannon, Jean McClendrick, Mary- - - -Fleming,
Jean McMurray, Dorothy Allen, Dorothy Kelly, Edith Allen and Edith Rankin.
- - Middle Row: Annie Fleming, Kathleen
Bates, Martha Wallace, Nellie Hannon, Aggie Hannon, Margaret Rankin, Mena
Wallace, Dorothy Clarke, Mrs. Collis and Joy Fleming,
Back Row: Marjory Law, Margaret Carson,
Jeannie Burrowes, Eve Carson, Unknown, Sis Rankin, Jean Allen, Ruby Taylor
and Unknown.
Picking the apples in the orchard are Lizzie Lynn nee Armour
and Miss Graham in the 1925.
This orchard was on the New Park Road and stretched as far as the Greystone
Here in the Gillespie's back garden in Castle Street in 1952 we all ready
to play at the back is Desmond and Alan Gillespie while in front is Trisha
This is the Graham family out for a walk and taking a break sitting on a bridge
at Taylors Town on the 14th July 1954 and by the way they are dressed their
summers were the same as ours of today. On the left is Vincent Graham aged
10 with the Alsation dog called Juno Nesbitt, next is Joe Graham aged 8 1/2,
their mum Mrs Evelyn Graham nee May holding Elizabeth Graham and on the ground
in front of the bridge is John Graham aged 4.
Mrs Graham originally came from County Sligo in 1942 and then married local
farmer and settled here in Taylors Town.
This is Jeannie Graham outside her home relaxing on her time off with a little
dog in her arms. Her work colleagues would be surprised to see her like this
for when Jeannie
was at work she wore a crisp white uniform for she was a Matron!
It's around 1952 when kids were kids and played 90% of their time outside
playing games and using their imagination.
Here in Gillespie's back garden we have Annie Oakley on the left and Marshall
Wyatt Earp on the right having just captured Billy the Kid.
Annie Oakley's real name is Tricia (Patricia) Wilson, Marshall Wyatt Earp
real name is Alan Gillespie while Billy the Kid wearing the old Fire Warden
hat is Desmond Gillespie.
This is Jeanne Graham as a Sister having her photograph taken in a studio
in the 1950's, Jeanne went on to become a Matron.
Which is what we could do with in our hospitals now.
Sitting outside the Graham home enjoying a chat and the sunshine are Marie
Scott and Jeannie Graham.
Now sadly the two children having their photograph taken in a studio are
unknown but if you do please let me know. The photograph was made into a
postcard which was very popular back then, and now on the TV they are advertising
about turning your photograph into a postcard to post off to your friends
isn't it amazing and people think it's new.
The post card was sent to a Mrs W. Graham at Carmavy,
Muckamore, Antrim. Written on the back
was the following:
Loughrea (which is in Galway) Sat 28th 1913. Dear
Cousin, please send no butter this coming week. And I think 5lbs ham with
lard w'd be suffice. Ent, both are getting on well. Yours as God Bless Aggie.
Now what is strange is that the stamped postmark says: BELFAST - 4.30pm
- JUN 28 13

In the background is the Graham House out at Carmavy while here in the foreground
are two of the Graham's daughters, sad to say I do not have their names. The
one on the left is well up to date with the latest hair style of big waves
worn by the females stars of the silver screen. Now what the farming machine
is they are sitting on I do not know, but if you do please let me know and
also the girls names and I will send you a large copy of the photograph without
the watermark.

Standing here is John Graham from Muckamore who joined the Army when war broke
out and served with the Royal Army Service Corps No. 2 Squadron commonly known
as No.2. E.R.F. 103 . M.U. in Kenya. After the war John loved the country
so much that he stayed. When in 1952 Elizabeth became Queen, John became the
manager of the Treetops Hotel which is in Aberdare National Park in Kenya
near the township of Nyeri. In this photograph John is celebrating his birthday
which was on the 26th June 1953, behind him are Bannana trees and beyond that
is his home in Nairobi, Keyna.

Here seen at the side of the lane is John Graham who seems to be acting out
some sort of a play with the two schoolgirls joining in with him. Who the
schoolgirls are I do not
know but of course must know John, now although the girls are wearing the
same type of uniform, blazers and tartan skirts, the school badges on the
blazers are not the same.
If you do please let me know and also the girls names and I will send you
a large copy of the photograph without the watermark.
This John Graham from Antrim relaxing reading a magazine while enjoying the
sun at Killiguni Lodge in Kenya.
John became the Manager of the Treetops Hotel which is in Aberdare National
Park, not bad for a man from Antrim.
This is a postcard photograph taken at one end of the Portobello which was
about 3 mile from Edinburgh with its promenade and beach with amusements at
Fun City including a helter-skelter and a figure eight railway and boat swings
which I used to love. The postcard was sent to John Graham of Carmavey, Muckamore,
Belfast ( it was really Antrim) and John still got it. On the back they had
written "day. How are you after Thurs Having a
splendid time. Weather OK. From James and Martha" who where on
their Honeymoon!
I wondered what happened on Thursday?

Here we are outside a barn on Graham's farm, you might not think much of the
photograph but you are looking at time that has now long gone. Inside the
barn is a thresher not a type you would see today and also hay piled up beside
it for winter fodder. But outside the barn is what you will never see again
haystacks, we used to climb up them as a boy and then slide down them and
the farmer chasing us off, a thing we shouldn't have been doing. Over to the
left is an old tractor which sadly replaced the big shire horses that were
beautiful to see.

Now these three men from Antrim decided to take themselves off on a holiday
so off they went to Scotland. So while they where there they went up to Edinburgh
to see the
sights. They then went into Colin Campbell's photographidc studio which was
at 31, Princes Street. to have their photograph taken for prosperity, now
from (left to right) we
have Uncle Jimmy, then Jimmy Graham (middle Dunsilly) then finally Jimmy Scott
of the mill.
In the centre leaning back against the wall of his home is John Graham and
his two daughters. The one on the right is not known but on the left is Cissie
Graham who when she got married her surmane became Bell. If you do know the
other sister please let me know and I will send you a large copy of the photograph
without the watermark.
Being the Prime Minister, Sir Winston had no time for Garron Tower so it was
donated to the British Tourist Industry which transformed it into a hotel;
it was then devastated by fire and was later turned into a school which it
still is today. The main portion of the estate remained in the hands of the
Earls of Antrim. Upon the death of her mother in 1834, Frances Lady Londonderry
inherited a portion of the Antrim Estate, almost 10,000 acres lying mostly
between Glenarm and Glenariff. Following much debate she decided to build
a summer residence and in 1848 the foundation stone was laid for Garron Tower.
The principal guest at the opening of the Tower was the Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland, Lord Clarendon. Coinciding with the end of the Famine in 1849, the
four Coastguard cottages at 91 Garron Road were built as part of that estate.
Lady Londonderry showed a considerable interest in the day to day administration
of her estate, demanding detailed reports from her agents. She was a relentlessly
improving landowner, encouraging agricultural improvement and endowing schools,
clothing societies, etc. The link with Lady Antrim's ancestral seat, Glenarm
Castle, a few miles to the south is such that it was suspected Lady Londonderry's
intention had been to upstage Glenarm Castle with the erection of Garron Tower.
Garron has a dominant tower at one end of a lengthy building, polygonal with
a square turret; whilst at the other end of the front a short wing projects
forwards, ending in a rectangular tower and turret. With the exception of
somewhat prosaic machicolations and crenellations, the walls are quite featureless.
The mansion was enlarged in 1852 with the addition of a hall. The main front
of the the terrace is flanked by cannon and there is a Dog's Cave containing
a dog which was owned by Lady Londonderry and which has a fully inscribed
memorial in place was made into postcard and sent to Miss J. Graham, Carmavey
Muckamore Co. Antrim on the 8th of August 1923 and it reads
" Dear Jeane Just down for the day and having a
good time. Yours Truly E. Campbell."

Here we are at Garron Tower along the Antrim coast back in 1941. Sadly they
could not go in for a meal as a fire destroyed the inside of the building.
Out for the day while off duty are at the back left is Flying Officer
Sam Gradwell, then Elsie Simpson, and Hubert Ogilby. Seated we have Flight
Seargent Sandy McGregor and Annie Simpson. Now Sandy came from Cupar,
Fife and Sam from England, they were posted at the RAF radar station
at Dickeystown, just above Glenarm. And as always happens Sandy fell helplessly
in love with Elsie and so the following year in October 1942 they got married.

This postcard of the dinning room of the Garron Tower Hotel shows a 'X' on
the tablecloth. This was placed there by F & M and then they wrote on
the back to Miss Tayfor
of Amher Street, York Road, Heaton Moor, via Stockpork. Their message
read as follows: Wednesday 12th August 1908. We have
just left the table marked X as shown
in picture. This place is 24 miles out from Larne no Railway but a
most interesting drive. Affectionally F & M. 3756
This is Ivan Gillespie who owned a hardware shop in Church Street on the 7th
July 1948.
Ivan is standing at the yard door which led to his shop.
Miss Gleitze, accompanied by Mr H Muir, her Irish Channel pilot, and two friends,
arrived in Antrim on Saturday afternoon and was met by large crowds. She was
given a cordial welcome. After being introduced to a number of the leading
people of the town,who were Mr WT Cooper, chairman of the town commissioners;
Mr RJ Kirk, JP CCr; Mr NE Clarke, secretary; and Mr Joseph Barr, engineer,
Lough Neagh Cruisers Ltd, of which Mr RJ Kirk is a director. Miss Gleitze
was introduced to Mr and Mrs Murphy, who said they would be delighted to have
her as their guest during her stay in Antrim at the Massereene Hotel. Miss
Gleitze was kept busy adding her name to autograph books and posing for amateur
photographers. She soon made a host of friends. The arrangements for the swim
were made by Mr John J Murphy, Massereene Arms Hotel; Mr S Ashworth, of Messrs
Waters & Ashworth, Northern Ireland Tours, and Mr J Barr, Antrim.
Now it's Friday the 12th July 1929 here at Ardboe entering Lough Neagh at
8.37am is Miss Merecedes Gleitz covered in grease (some of which she left
on her trainor) to protect her, her intention was to swim to the Antrim landing
stage. On board the motor boat that would accompany Miss Gleitz was the Mr
James P Murphy solicitor, Mr J Wallace Engineer and Mr B Wallace, Navigator,
a press man and a doctor all of whom saw her enter the water and hoped to
see her leave it. When she had been 10 hours in the water, Miss Gleitze was
forced by a stiff breeze to alter the course arranged beforehand. It had been
arranged for Miss Gleitze to make for the Antrim landing stage but a strong
breeze sprang up and the lough became rather choppy with the result it was
decided to make for Whitepark, which is on the opposite shore from where she
started. Miss Gleitze touched bottom at 10.23pm, and scrambled on to the shore
at 10.25pm. She had been swimming for 18 miles, then she collapsed and was
wrapped up in blankets and taken to a house nearby. After treatment she was
conveyed to the Massereene Arms Hotel where hundreds had gathered to cheer
a plucky girl. Still wrapped up in blankets, she was carried into the hotel
and she acknowledged the deafening cheers with a pleasant smile. She was taken
to her room and no one was allowed to see her until Saturday evening.
Swimming for 18 miles in fresh water must be regarded as a remarkable achievement
Sadly it was unbeliveable none of the Irish newspapers reported the swim considering
she was famous as the first person to swim the Straits of Gibraltar and the
first British woman to swim the English channel.