Here we are on the McClenaghan's farm in 1930 with the house in the background and the out houses, in the field is an farming instrument but what it does I do not know. It must be a Sunday or a special outing for sitting against the hedge is the father and his sons with one holding the dog. If you know any of their names please let me know.
There may be snow on the ground but farm life must go on. This is Freda McClenaghan taking the milk in the churns to the bottom of the Crosskennnan Road in 1960 and then collected by the milk lorry.
Proudly getting his photograph taken in his uniform to send home to his mum is Alex McClenaghan. Now back then lots of young lads send their photos home to their parents, the difference with this one is that it came all the way from New Zealand. Alex had emigrated to New Zealand in the early 1900's and when World War One broke out, Alex like others out there didn't hesitate to join up to fight. Thousands of young men who enlisted didn't do what Alex did, he came home safely.
Having a rest while out for a Sunday walk in 1943 are the McCabe family
The wedding took place in the 1940's at All Saints Parish Church by the Rev.Kerr.
The Groom was Fred McClure and the Bride was Ann McCright
The Best Man was Freddy McCreight and the bridesmaid was Mary O'Rea.
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Here in a back garden off Massereene Street we have proud father Jim McCaig in 1945 with his two sons Norman and Jim junior.
Next door was Jimmy Stevenson's with the large greenhouse and in the distance you can see the spire of All Saints' Parish Church.
This wonderful picture of McCabe's Butchers in Church Street - Antrim in December 1910. This fantastic display would probably be greeted with horrified disbelief by the Health and Safety Officers today, it was traditional for a 'victualler to display their wares during the 'season to be jolly'. If you look closely enough you can see chickens, turkeys, pigs, and great sides of beef more than enough for any festive feast. But just to temp you more the table is full of all sizes of duck! Pictured in the shadow of this meat mountain are Eddie and Nellie McCabe (his second wife), with Eddie holding the hands of his sons Samuel and Bertie. To the left, with his arms folded is Jimmy McCabe. The large display was on the instructions of Lord Massereene.
The shop to the right belonged to Pender's who sold jewellery, fancy goods and toys. Take a close look and you can see hanging up outside a small wooden horse on wheels, above it is a gun with sucker darts and target, right at the top side by side are small prams to catch the eye of the local children as the 'big day' approached.
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Now you will be saying Len has put in two photos that are the same, well he hasn't they are different.
Remember when taking a photograph back then you had to stand still for two or three minutes and a good photographer always took two photos to make sure one of them was correct.- There are five differences in this photo compared to photo number 53, can you see them in this photograph?
This is Mabel McCaige outside her home in Summerhill in the early 50's. Later in life Mabel gets married and her surname becomes Graham.
It's just after 8am and Mabel is just getting ready to set of to York Street Flax & Spinning Mill offices where she works.
Just look at the road, no tarmac back then, the footpath is all cobbles and the water butt to collect the rainwater for family use.
Now Mabel is doing what hundreds of other workers did back then, myself included. To get to work you got "ON YER BIKE".
Here we are in High Street in 1975 with a Miss Betty McMillan tied up in a wheelbarrow and all done up had been
wheeled all round High Street. Betty was a member of the staff of Lowry's Café for many years in Church Street. The reason for this high jinks was because Betty was getting married to Mr. Samuel Sempey at 2nd Donegore Church on the 7th June 1975. They had stopped for rest and so the photograph was taken quickly, these are her friends from Lowry's and on the left is Miss Mary McGarry, then Mr Tommy Steele who was the baker not the singer, next is Mrs Margaret McGuinness and finally Mrs Audrey McNeill. By the look on Betty's face there are going to have a hard job getting her out of the wheelbarrow because she seems to be enjoying the fun!
Seen here being instructed on a gunnery course in a Fairey Battle plane in 1939 is Gerald McElrea, who sadly lost his life the following year.This aircraft was developed as a light bomber, but in the early stages of the war its losses were so heavy it was withdrawn from front line service and used as a gunnery trainer. This was at Aldergrove who was host to No.3 Bombing and Gunnery school from December 1939 to July 1940.
This distinguished group of young men were members of the Royal Air Force, and they were pictured in Portsmouth in 1939 shortly after the start of the Second World War. Keen-eyed local people might recognise Antrim man Gerald McElrea standing third from the right. Tragically, all these men - including the man taking the picture - died the following year. There was a massive air raid that fateful night and though they were off-duty at the time, the squadron rushed out to offer their assistance. But they paid a terrible price for this spontaneous act of kindness when a parachute mine landed nearby, killing them all instantly.
This is Jack and Agnes McElrea getting photographed in 1928.
MAY DAY 1778
Here on May Day at the door of his butcher's shop is Sammy McCabe having just watched the Holywell Hospital float go past, but not knowing anyone. There is a float in front with ladies who have on pale blue blouses, red sashes and straw top hats on. Anyone know who they represented?
This bonny looking baby is none other than Marie O'Neal.
Marie lived with her family in Kilyn Entry, Church Street, Antrim.
Standing outside their home we have the McCullough children. At the back from the left we have Jim and Matt and in front are Mavis, Rodney, Leslie and finally Syliva.
The boys had their sights set on real cars and their names in print, and they have certainly done that!
It's Monday the 7th of September 1932 and Jack McElrea has just married Aggie Scott.
Standing outside the family home we have the McCabe family in 1939.
At the back is Herbert with his wife Rachel and in her arms is Derek. In front of them is Anna and her other brother Herbie McCabe.
Looking at her husband Tommy McClure in 1955 is the bride Joan McElrea but this was not their wedding day, that was the day before!. Apparently their wedding Day at All Saints' Parish Church turned out to be the wettest day of the month, so they posed for this photo the next day.
The year is 1940 and standing still looking prim and proper are Sadie McCabe with her sister Mary McCabe.
Sitting side-saddle on Len Ireland's motorbike outside his home back in 1956 we have Sally McMeeking.
It is often said that the magic of Christmas is best see
n reflected in the light of a child's eyes - and that is certainly the case for this young man who was caught on camera in 1948. This is John McElrea about to hit the road at the grand old age of 18 months.
This Agnes McElrea all set for a game of Tennis waiting for her partner at the Muckamore Cricket Club. The year is unknown.
Standing at the wall outside the Post Office at Dunadry in 1947 are the McCombe sisters. On the left we have Anne with her sister Patricia.
Standing outside their home at Moylena banks we have husband and wife Tommy and Meata McNeil in the 1950's. To the right you can see that the people were growing flowers. In the background you can see the Beetling mill and when it was working the noise from it was unbelievable.
After the formal photograph it was decided to have a family photograph in the back garden of the McComb family home around 1912 - 1913.
At the back, left we have James McComb, Samuel White McComb and Margaret McComb.
In front are W J. McComb Senior, W J. McComb Junior and Catherine McComb with Catherine Maria McComb on her knee.
Here we are at Whitestown, Ballysculty at the McComb house around 1912 - 1913 with the family having a formal photograph taken. Standing proudly with his bowler hat and arms folded is the father William John McComb. To his left are William John McComb Jnr and James McComb. To his right is his wife, Catherine McComb in her arms is their daughter Catherine Maria McComb holding tight to her teddy. Next is Margaret McComb or Maggie finally Samuel White McComb. Clinging desperately to the blind cord at the middle window upstairs is the cat making sure it got in as well. James and Samuel went to Loan Ends to sign the Ulster Covenant, the Samuel signed first and then James who couldn't write made his mark against his name.
This charming family portrait taken at the McCabe family home on the Moylena Road in 1911.
Starting from the left we have Ellen Nellie McCabe (who later became a Patterson), May McCabe (who went to America), Aunt Lisa nursing baby Lisa- (who became an Allen) and mother Margaret McCabe with little Anne (who later became a Wallace). Incidentally, the two babies in the picture are twins.
Seen here having their photograph taken back in my good old dancing days are Agnes and Ruby McBride.
These are the dancing outfits of the era and the white shoes a must especially for jiving!
This is William McVeigh in 1918 aged 26, he looks quite dapper here with Pansies in ths lapel. Perhaps this was before he got married, you can see him in the the photograph of Pogue's Entry with four of his children.
This portrait was taken while the First World War was raging in Europe in 1915.
The mother is Annie McCalmont, on her knee is her son Jack McCalmont and to her side is her daughter Rachel McCalmont button boots - no laces!
Take a look at the mother's hat and you will see a large hat pin in it, this was designed to keep the hat on your head and it did.
This is the Wedding of Jack McElrea and his Bride Agnes Scott on the 7th September 1932.
The best man was Agnes's brother Joe Scott while the bridesmaid was Jack's sister Sadie McElrea. Sadie tells me that the photographer told her off for smiling! and then put a steel rod at her back to stop her moving.
This portrait was taken back in 1942 and is of Samuel McNeice and his baby sister Margaret.
This wonderful portrait of the McAteer family was taken at the start of the Great War in 1914.
Included are proud mother Mary and children Kay (left) and on her knee is Joe. Patricia (Kay's daughter) fondly remembers when they had a shop at 33 Church Street which acted as a confectionary, a tobacconist and a cafe.
When the delivery man called with supplies his horse would put his head through the shop door and stay there until the granny gave it a Paris bun.
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This was taken in the 1890's and standing behind the horse is the owner Eddie McCabe. Standing in the doorway is his wife Elizabeth McCabe with two of their children, as you can see by her dress this photograph was posed as I don't think she would be working behind the counter with this dress on. The two children names as well as the two other men in the picture are unknown. This was in Church St. and the shop to your right was Pender's fancy goods shop and the white building to your left was the Ulster Bar.Edward McCabe married Elizabeth McCabe nee Kilpatrick on the 16th May 1873 at All Saints' Parish Church in Antrim.
This photograph was taken in December 1900 in Church Street.Here is Mrs.Elizabeth McCabe with her daughter beside her holding her dolly and to the right her husband Eddie McCabe. The young boy is unknown who wanted in as well. On display you can see Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Pig, Sheep and a great side of beef. On the pavement below the display there is a pile of like twigs spread out is that to catch what could be dripping?
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This is the back yard of McCabe's butchers and the men are John, Herbie & Ernie McCabe. The two children are Herbie and Anna McCabe. The year is 1938.
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This is Grandfather John McCabe with his daughter Nora McCabe wearing an Australian frock in the back yard behind Church street. The year is unknown.
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Taken in the back yard behind the Butcher's shop in Church Street.
This is Herbie McCabe looking real swank and his mother Annie McCabe nee Taggart.
The year is unknown.
Visiting their Grandmother in Massereene Street we have Anna and Herbie McCabe.
By the way they were not allowed to call her anything but CABBIE ! The year was 1940.
This is Johnny McMaster, who for many years was a popular barber in Antrim, pictured outside his shop on High Street in 1927. He is accompanied by his younger brother Stewart, who was an apprentice at the time. The shop stood next to High Street Presbyterian Church but sadly it was demolished in 1979 on the very day they laid Johnny to rest.
Standing in the back garden in Massereene Street in 1945 we have the McCaig children Norman, Margaret and in front Jim and Irene. The next garden on the right belonged to Jimmy Stevenson and you can see the greenhouse is the length of the garden.